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Can I use Abc-Map for commercial use ?

Can I use Abc-Map for commercial use ?

Yes, you are free to use Abc-Map for commercial purposes.

You are also free to modify, share, distribute this software under the license GNU AgPlv3 . This license is explained here .

However, remember to comply with the licenses of the data you use.

What data formats can be used in Abc-Map ?

What data formats can be used in Abc-Map ?

You can use in this software:

I want to add text without adding geometry

I want to add text without adding geometry

For the moment this is not possible ! Do not hesitate to support the project.

I want to add arrows

I want to add arrows

For the moment this is not possible! Do not hesitate to support the project.

After importing a file I can't see anything on the map

After importing a file I can't see anything on the map

The file may be unsupported, defective, or the coordinate system is not supported. Create a Issue.

I want to download version 1

I want to download version 1

Ouch ! Since you insist, it's here !

I need to do XXX but it's not possible

I need to do XXX but it's not possible

Create a Issue and describe your need as precisely as possible (you need to create a Gitlab account, it's free). You will receive an answer quickly.

Where is the source code for Abc-Map ?

Where is the source code for Abc-Map ?

The source code for the application is available here.

The numbers I'm using don't work

The numbers I'm using don't work

If you are using digital data and the processing results are strange, you may need to check the format of your numbers.

These formats work:

1 234
1 123.123
1 123,123

But these formats don't work:

%%%append-to-body%%% %%%end-append-to-body%%%