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A module is a set of features usable in Abc-Map. You can search, load and unload modules.

Use modules

Use modules

Use the "More" page to find and open a module. You can also use the keyboard shortcut CTRL + M.

You can use the star button to add a module to your favorites. Favorite modules are always visible at the top of the page.

Load a module

Load a module

You can use modules written by other people or write your own module.

You need to make sure that you can trust the module developers that you use.
Modules can access all data from your Abc-Map session.

Write a module

Write a module

Documentation here: [https://gitlab.com/abc-map/abc-map/-/blob/master/documentation/6_modules.md](https://gitlab.com/abc-map/abc-map/ -/blob/master/documentation/6_modules.md)

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