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Create a map

Create a map

Choose a basemap

Choose a basemap

On the map page, keep the default basemap, or choose a basemap by clicking on Add a layer.

You can use:

Which layer to choose ?

Which layer to choose ?

First, try the predefined layers, they are the easiest to use.

You can also import basemaps from the data store.

If you do not find what you are looking for, use your favorite search engine to find an alternative. For example, try searching for "wms layer france". You will then need to complete the new layer form, usually with a URL and credentials provided by the owner of the data.

Import data

Import data

You can import data in several ways:

Add and modify shapes

Add and modify shapes

Use the drawing tools to create or modify geometry and their properties. The operation of each tool is explained in its respective help.

Keep in mind that:

Apply data processing

Apply data processing

On the "Data processing" page, you can apply data processing. Treatments are explained on their corresponding pages.

Create a legend and add a scale

Create a legend and add a scale

On the "Layout" page, click on "Create a new A4 page" and then on "Add a text frame".

A frame appears, you can resize it, add images or document your symbols.

Add a title and description for each shape used on your map.

Layout and export your map

Layout and export your map

On the "Layout" page, create one or more pages according to your needs. When your creation is ready export it in PDF or PNG format:

You can also export geometry layers in GeoJSON, KML or GPX format using the layers export module.

Share your map

Share your map

You can share your map online, via a link or by embedding it on your site.

⚠️ Warning
If your card contains credentials, these credentials will be publicly accessible.
If these credentials give access to paid services, this may lead to excessive billing.

Save or export your project

Save or export your project

Register to save your project online, it's free!

Or export your project to save it on your computer. You can re-import it later.

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