Logo Abc-Map

Basic notions

Basic notions



A map is made up of layers that overlap and produce the final map image.

Layers hold the data in a map, and they help organize that data.

There are two types of layers in Abc-Map: basemaps and geometry layers.

Basemaps or raster layers
These layers contain images. They cannot be modified with the drawing tools.

Geometry layers or vector layers
These layers contain geometries and can be edited with the drawing tools.



Projects allow you to save your work. When you export your project, you create a file that contains all your work in progress.

A project contains:

Exported projects have the file extension .abm2. They can only be used with Abc-Map. Those are Zip archives containing all the information about your project in a format similar to GeoJSON.



If your project contains credentials for accessing third-party services (eg XYZ tile layer credentials), then these credentials will be saved with your project.

Warning: if you share your project then you share your credentials. If these credentials provide access to paid services, this may lead to excessive billing.

In a previous version, projects were password protected but this feature has been removed.
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