Logo Abc-Map



What is Abc-Map ?

What is Abc-Map ?

Abc-Map is an online mapping software that is easy to understand and use.

With Abc-Map you can create:

This software is brand new ✨
Abc-Map is constantly evolving, every week an improvement is published.
So there are a lot of things to improve, and this documentation may be partially outdated.
Help fund Abc-Map  💌

Who uses Abc-Map ?

Who uses Abc-Map ?

And much more, which we don't hear about because... we don't track users 👏👏



The objective of this software is to offer a light and simplified experience.

If you have to process a large amount of data or if you have specific needs, turn to office solutions like QGis or gvSig.

Status, license and source code

Status, license and source code

This software is developed on a voluntary basis. The official platform (abc-map.fr) is hosted voluntarily.

Abc-Map is free and open source software licensed under the GNU AGPLv3 license. This license is explained here.

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