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Use Stadia Maps layers

Use Stadia Maps layers



Stadia Maps offers beautiful base maps available at attractive prices. There is also a free third party that allows great experiments without spending anything.

Since October 2023, Stadia Maps is the new provider of Stamen tiles.

This post describes how to use Stadia Maps basemaps with Abc-Map as XYZ layers.

How to use Stadia Maps layers ?

How to use Stadia Maps layers ?

Step 1: Sign up for Stadia Maps

Step 1: Sign up for Stadia Maps

Register here: https://stadiamaps.com/stamen/onboarding/create-account/

You don't need to fill in any payment information to get started.

Step 2: Create an API key

Step 2: Create an API key
What is an API key?
An API key is a code that authenticates you to a service. API keys must be kept secret.
If you use an API key in a public project, this may result in excessive billing.

Create a "property".

Property creation form
Property creation form

In the 'Authentication Configuration' section create an API key:

Button to create an API key
Button for creating an API key

Keep the tab open, you will need your key in the next step.

Example API key
API key example

Step 3: choose and add a basemap

Step 3: choose and add a basemap

The easiest is to use the data store. Open the data store and select a layer:

Selecting a layer in the data store
Selecting a layer from the data store

Then enter your API key:

Entering the API key
Entering the API key

Et voilà !

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